
Warning: Undefined variable $RollNumber in /home/a078cyberlearner/public_html/a/Diceroll.php on line 65
The total score for the roll was 7.
The roll was a five and a two.
You rolled a natural!

Warning: Undefined variable $RollNumber in /home/a078cyberlearner/public_html/a/Diceroll.php on line 65
The total score for the roll was 11.
The roll was a six and a five.
You rolled a yo!

Warning: Undefined variable $RollNumber in /home/a078cyberlearner/public_html/a/Diceroll.php on line 65
The total score for the roll was 6.
The roll was a four and a two.

Warning: Undefined variable $RollNumber in /home/a078cyberlearner/public_html/a/Diceroll.php on line 65
The total score for the roll was 5.
The roll was a two and a three.
You rolled a fever five!

Warning: Undefined variable $RollNumber in /home/a078cyberlearner/public_html/a/Diceroll.php on line 65
The total score for the roll was 3.
The roll was a one and a two.
You rolled a loose deuce!